Manor Tower | Westport | Residential (515 units)

Location: 4050 Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, MO 6410
Developer: Pulse Development
Architect: Action Pact Design Group
Construct: TBD
Investment: TBD
Groundbreaking (planned): TBD
Completion (planned): TBD

Type: Residential
Size: 515 apartments
Pricing: TBD
Additional Uses: TBD

Construction: New
Height: 14 stories
Space: TBD

Parking: 750 spaces, existing parking garage
Transit: Main St MAX (6 blocks)

Massive project proposed in Westport, on current Tivoli/Char Bar lot, would tower in the area. Likely to be a lot of drama as this starts to move forward.

PDF submission to planning:

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14 stories will definitely create pushback. Any word if this would be feasible w/ fewer stories?

The designer said that he would pull the plan to incorporate changes suggested by neighbors. Char Bar to be incorporated into phase one, phase two may be altered to let Char Bar keep it’s outdoor space. Apparently there has also been concern about the modern look of the upper stories.

I’m all for density in the westport neighborhood, but this preliminary design looks like the city inside of a crappy casino. Hope they are able to keep the density, but come up with something better design-wise.

I am part of a group in Westport trying to help reserve the look and feel, as well as the historic value. We are all very concerned about the lastest development proposals and what they will mean or do to the community. Please read more about our effort, and feel free to join us.

and here:


I think something we’ll want to consider is the growth of kansas city itself. We know that 43% of Kansas City growth are multi-family communities. Accommodating all those persons will definitely be key. This could be a win/win for business around this proposed location as that’s a lot of people that could be patrons of these surrounding businesses. Either way, I’m loving how Kansas City is flourishing with so many multi-family communitieS.

The proposal has been revised:
The new proposal leaves Char Bar and Westport Coffee House, adds a hotel on Mill street and a park on top of the existing parking garage, and lowers the proposed building on Pennsylvania to 7 stories. The hotel on Mill street will be 9 stories, but I believe that the ground is lower on that side.

Seems pretty reasonable in light of their first proposal.