Amazon HQ 2

Phase One. 1.5 Million Sqft Office + 700-1500 apartments + Parking.

Step 1. Build a 500L Sqft Office Tower for 2019 Occupancy (Dark Blue), Build the “Main Street Garage”

Step 2. Build the 1 Million Sqft (Light Blue) Tower, Build the 2 greenish apartment towers/w parking in base.

The parking garages would be built to allow conversion to other uses once i70 is built over with parking garages. In order to keep up with Amazon’s 2019 target date, we would have to start building garages before I think we would be able to close i70. By waiting, This also gives us more time if we decided to build rail through the i70 hole as well as more time and flexibility to deal with Broadway.


We gave Cerner 1.75 Billion in incentives for a 4.45 billion dollar project set to create 16k jobs. Amazon wants to spend 5 billion to create 50k jobs. A quick google search shows that Amazon engineers and managers make a good bit over 100k ( I understand this won’t be all jobs). I think it is safe to say that many jobs will be higherpaying based though. Lets say 30k of the 50K make 100,000 a year and the rest make 60,000 a year. In the first year with all 50,000 employed, the cities earnings tax would raise 42,000,000 million in the first year. I think this estimate is potentially somewhat conservative.

30K x 100K + 20k x 60k = 4,200,000,000. 4.2 Billion in yearly salaries added to KC. 4.2 Billion to spend on apartments in the Cordish Wall. 4.2 Billion to spend on flights from our airport. 4.2 Billion to spend at the plaza, on gas, at a local diner, the grocery store, etc.

Yet I don’t believe Tax Incentives are the way to go. What we need instead is improvements to infrastructure. Our 2 critical missing links are a NEW KCI and a Rail Transit System.

A mix of dedicated right of way light rail, street running light rail, and maybe even commuter rail could be built.

I envision a dedicated row light rail backbone running from below Amazon’s New Towers in the North Loop Through the new residential or Amazon developments in the East Village that merge into the center lane of US 71 Highway. Currently, the median is about 50 ft wide. Chicago’s median running trains use about 43 feet along most of their routes except at stations that use 70 ish feet.

Image 1 in Red shows Potential Dedicated ROW Light Rail. The streetcar(yellow) is expanded down main South of the Plaza. Additional Streetcar Routes would Cris cross east and west across the city connecting to the main street streetcar and the US 71 Light Rail. In Theory, Streetcars would feed into the Main Street Line and the LIght Rail.

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I really think that without some sort of plane that deals with improving transit, we can’t win. While this plan would cost in the billions, so too would the incentives that we would otherwise give to this group. We could offset risk by building out the system in increments as Amazon builds out their HQ.
Last edited by ldai_phs on Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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I really like the ideas on getting more mass transit and I agree a commitment to commuter rail or even more street car lines in that Northloop area would be great. I like the building renderings as well. If this were to happen and come downtown it will set off a huge building spree for office space and that means new towers. Got to get more mass transit options as well as admitting that parking garages (like you have) will be a must as well so the areas can be fully utilized by the entire metro which, like it or not, is car-centric. If this does become a reality they will really need to improve the access to downtown from the North. Closing or creating a new bypass for I70 on North end of the loop is smart but what is already a terrible choke point at the 3 river crossings will only get worse. We need another bridge or mass transit from the North to help. I live up North and work downtown. It’s not terrible but if there is one traffic delay on any bridge, go ahead and make camp because you ain’t going anywhere for a while slight_smile: Plus that many more jobs downtown will require mass transit from the south & west to help ease traffic from the JOCO area. This is a huge opportunity to reshap KC for the future. I hope we can get Amazon and begin the process of revamping the entire downtown core with the benefit of the entire metro in mind.

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how did you get or make those renderings in google maps?

Sketchup Warehouse has plenty of models of existing buildings. Either download the KMZ and open in Earth or download the sketchup file, export in sketchup to a KMZ, then open in Earth.